I'm Christian Maligaya

Hi there! I’m a developer who loves creating awesome online experiences. Check out my work – where design meets innovation. Let’s build something amazing together!

About Me

Developing With a Passion While Exploring The World

Step into my world, where WordPress web development is not just a skill but a love affair. I embark on a journey, navigating the digital landscape with each line of code.

As a storyteller in the tech realm, my creations go beyond seamless functionality. They echo the richness of my global adventures, creating websites that are more than just code—they’re immersive digital experiences.

In this portfolio, witness the fusion of my passion and skills. Each project is a testament to the exciting marriage of creativity and proficiency that defines WordPress development in my hands.

Let’s build websites together that not only work flawlessly but also speak the language of innovation. Join me as we explore the endless possibilities in the dynamic world of WordPress development.

Working Process

Revealing the essence of me in a flash – my journey, passions,
and aspirations captured in a short video. 🎥✨ #MyStoryInASeconds

Work Experiences

VST ECS Phils., Inc
2021 - present

Over 2 years of dedicated experience as a web developer at VST ECS Phils Inc., a leading ICT Distributor in the Philippines.

Web Developer
MDS Call Solutions Inc.
2020 - 2021

Contributed nearly a year’s worth of expertise to the forefront of online delivery for renowned fast-food chains in the Philippines.

Systems Developer
Bigtime Empire Corporation
2019 - 2020

Applied my expertise and contributed significantly to the diverse portfolio of businesses within this corporation for almost a year.

Web Developer
AOMOS Information Technology

Applied four years of college study as an intern at this IT services agency, honing skills and making valuable contributions to diverse projects.

Front End Developer Intern

My Portfolio

Where Vision Meets Virtuosity: Discover Our Diverse Portfolio.